What are verification samples and why are they so important in the logistics process?
Verification sampling is an essential tool in logistics management. It involves selecting a representative sample of products or materials to verify that they meet previously established standards of quality, quantity or specifications. This process is essential for maintaining control of the supply chain, reducing...
Airpharm: Efficient solutions for customs inspections and specialized logistics
Customs inspections can be a complex challenge for companies in sectors such as pharmaceuticals, veterinary, cosmetics, fine chemicals, food supplements and medical devices. These industries handle sensitive products that must comply with strict national and international regulations, which can lead to delays and difficulties...
How to optimize inventory and storage of medical devices
The medical device sector has experienced exponential growth in recent years, driven by technological innovation and increased demand in the healthcare sector. This growth has posed challenges not only for the companies involved in manufacturing them and the healthcare centers that use them, but...
The benefits of logistics outsourcing for companies in the veterinary sector
Logistics outsourcing has established itself as a strategic tool in various sectors, including the veterinary industry, to optimize the supply chain. Companies dedicated to animal care and welfare face daily challenges related to the distribution of specialized products, such as vaccines and medicines, which...
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Always a step ahead in the industry, with a specialist team that offers the highest guaranteesHow to export food supplements outside the European Union
In recent years, the dietary supplement industry has experienced exponential growth worldwide, driven by a growing concern for health and wellness. This interest in healthier living has led to an increased demand for products that complement the daily diet. For European Union (EU) companies...
The importance of adequate waste management in logistics
Proper waste management is a very important aspect in logistics, especially in sectors that work with sensitive products such as pharmaceuticals, veterinary, cosmetics, fine chemicals, and others such as medical devices or food supplements. These sectors require rigorous waste management practices due to the...
The role of IoT (Internet of Things) in pharmaceutical logistics
In the pharmaceutical industry, logistics play an important role in ensuring that medicines reach warehouses and healthcare facilities safely, efficiently and in the best possible condition to be dispensed to patients. There are a number of actions that help optimize pharmaceutical logistics, taking into...
Advantages of outsourcing logistic processes in the fine chemicals industry
The fine chemicals industry is characterized by its high level of specialization and the handling of substances that require extreme care at every stage of the supply chain. These products, which are used in sectors such as pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and biotechnology, must be rigorously...