Reverse logistics is a strategic process within the supply chain for managing product returns from the consumer or end user to the manufacturer or distributor. This approach includes activities such as returns, recycling, reuse and disposal, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations and optimizing resources.

In the pharmaceutical sector, reverse logistics play an important role, especially when it comes to expired medicines. These products not only pose a risk to public health if not properly managed, but must also comply with strict international regulations and standards. The process includes the safe recovery of expired medicines from pharmacies, hospitals or distribution points, followed by transportation, temporary storage and final disposal in specialized facilities.

What steps need to be taken?

  • Identification and classification: expired products are identified and classified according to their nature, toxicity and associated risk.
  • Safe collection: collection points are organized in pharmacies, hospitals or health centers, which in Spain are known as Puntos SIGRE.
  • Specialized transportation: products are transported using adapted vehicles, ensuring compliance with the cold chain where necessary.
  • Temporary storage: in authorized facilities, the material is stored in specific conditions to prevent environmental or sanitary risks.
  • Management and final disposal: depending on the type of medicine, the method of disposal is determined, either incineration, recycling of containers or chemical treatment.
  • Documentation and traceability: Each stage of the process must be recorded to ensure transparency and regulatory compliance.
  • Audits and reports: it is important to carry out regular checks to ensure the effectiveness of the process and compliance with the regulations in force.
The legislation that governs pharmaceutical reverse logistics

The legislation that governs pharmaceutical reverse logistics

The handling of expired pharmaceutical products is regulated by strict national and international regulations. In the European Union, Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 and Directive 2008/98/EC establish specific provisions for classification, transport and disposal of hazardous waste. Additionally, the Good Distribution Practices (GDP) guarantee traceability throughout the logistics chain.

At Airpharm we have extensive experience in reverse logistics in the pharmaceutical sector. We manage the proper and correct treatment of expired medicines in an efficient and safe manner. Our team of professionals, authorized facilities and approved transportation guarantee compliance with the most demanding regulations. Contact Airpharm to implement customized and sustainable logistics solutions that protect the environment.

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