The different layers of the logistics chain are working on a daily basis to individually improve and optimise the entire process of storing, distributing and transporting goods nationally and internationally. One of the fastest growing sectors is the pharmaceutical industry. Throughout 2022, it has experienced several changes following the intensity of transit operations due to the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 crisis, which first broke out in March 2020.

Pharmaceutical logistics are gradually returning to their pre-pandemic state and some of the trends for 2023 are already being highlighted by industry professionals:

  • Presence of vaccines: new waves and variants of COVID in several parts of the world will keep pharmaceutical logistics active in terms of bulk drug shipments.
  • Rise in consumption of food and dietary supplements recommended by nutritionists and doctors to improve health through vitamins and minerals.
  • Transportation of medicines and health products to any part of the world, with a special focus on developing countries.
  • Outsourcing and collaborations with other specialist actors: Pharmaceutical companies will focus on outsourcing and build valuable alliances to ensure specialisation, reduce costs, be more effective and optimise the logistics chain.
  • Rise in the sale of generic medicines in some countries which will lead to a positive increase in the storage and transport of temperature-controlled goods.
  • Exponential increase in digitalisation throughout the logistics chain, prioritising issues such as transparency, process intelligence and traceability of pharmaceutical products.
  • Security in the logistics process will be enhanced to prevent counterfeiting that harms people and the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Diversity in forms of transport. In 2023, value will continue to be placed on maritime transport due to its lower cost and on air transport due to its shorter delivery times.
  • Sustainability and carbon footprint reduction are two very important issues for the sector. Thanks to green logistics, we can help protect the environment and the planet’s resources. Organisations will become more and more committed to this aspect.

Logistics company for the pharmaceutical sector

At Airpharm we enter the new year 2023 with an awareness of the exciting trends for pharmaceutical logistics. We are here to help companies who want to improve their storage, distribution and transport of medicines and products for improving people’s health.

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